Teaching Kids About Coronavirus

E-books to teach kids about COVID-19

It can be tough for parents to know how much about the pandemic to share with their kids. While it may be tempting to shield little ones from distressing news about the coronavirus, it’s essential that we give them the information they need to be safe. Experts note that having a clear understanding of what’s going on can help kids feel less anxious. Here are 3 lovely e-books that will soothe nervous kids and help them understand current events without feeling overwhelmed. 

King COVID and the kids who cared

“When we care, we think of others and put others first,” said author and illustrator Nicole Rim, whose 24-page e-book is clear and easy for even little kids to understand. This is a great option to educate your kids in a relatable way, with cute drawings that personify the virus so kids can understand how it attacks, and what to do to stop it. Kids will learn how the virus is spread, and are empowered with their own ‘superpower’ to fight back: caring. The book teaches kids that caring is about taking good care of ourselves and others by washing our hands, coughing or sneezing the right way, and sending love to friends and family in new ways, like letters or phone calls. This sweet book teaches kids that they can make a difference in the world when they choose to care. 

Get the PDF here

A kids book about COVID-19

Epidemiologist Malia Jones wrote this book to give parents a starting point for a conversation about the virus. As a parent of two, Malia believes that kids can tell when we have negative emotions, and it’s better to have an open conversation than to try to hide our feelings. Pairing clean, bold design with kid-friendly language, this book describes how the virus spreads, using descriptions kids will appreciate, like “snot” and “an atomic bomb of germs”. The book also acknowledges that kids may feel panicked, and assures them that it’s ok to feel whatever they’re feeling. It’s also full of fun facts that kids will enjoy, like “soap kills viruses by making them explode”. It also includes a helpful outro for parents with suggested questions they can ask kids to help them feel empowered and safe.

Get the PDF here

Coronavirus: A book for children 

Gruffalo illustrator Alex Scheffler co-created this question-and-answer book about the coronavirus to support families during the pandemic. With input from Professor Graham Medley of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, as well as headteachers and a child psychologist, this book addresses questions kids may have, like “why are some places we normally go to closed”, “why can’t I see my grandparents”, and “how do you catch coronavirus?”. This book helps kids feel in the know, and makes the scary parts of the pandemic feel easier to deal with. 

Get the PDF here.

And an e-book for education

In addition to teaching kids about the science behind the crisis, parents are taking on the challenging task of teaching kids a variety of subjects at home. To help you keep going with gusto, we’ve made a home learning e-book jam-packed with awesome activities that’ll get your kids excited to learn. 

Get the PDF here

This is a tough time for all of us, but arming ourselves and our kids with accurate information is a good first step in coping with what may feel overwhelming. While it’s good to inform your kids, it’s also smart to reassure them that this will not last forever. Together we can keep doing our best to fight coronavirus, and eventually one day we’ll be able to get back to our normal lives, full of hugs with friends and grandparents.


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